Culture Concierge Blog

Jess Díaz Jess Díaz

The Importance of Art

The Obstacle is the Path, Union Hall’s 5 Year Anniversary exhibition — and largest group show to date — opened a few days ago. I had the pleasure of interviewing three of the featured artists: Sarah McCormick, Jenna Annunziato, and Nadiya Jackson, about their work and dove into why art spaces — particularly nonprofit art spaces — are important for artists, art appreciators, and a city’s cultural development.

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Jess Díaz Jess Díaz

Opportunities for Emerging Curators

There are relatively few opportunities for emerging curators to submit work for consideration and be awarded funds, when compared to similar opportunities for artists. This list was created for those who are first-time curators or at the beginning of their journey in art curation.

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Jess Díaz Jess Díaz

Spotlight on A Grix and Vinni Alfonso

‘Through Flesh to Infinity’ is a two person exhibition of work by Boulder artist A Grix, and Denver artist Vinni Alfonso. Learn about their collaborative sculpture “Water Feature” on view at Union Hall through January 6, 2024.

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Union Hall Union Hall

Top 5 Art Shipping & Handling Considerations

Art shipping and handling are skills that are complicated and often difficult to get right. Union Hall aims to help illuminate the secrets of the craft and make it more accessible to the wider creative community.

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Union Hall Union Hall

What’s a Rough Gem?

With our Rough Gems program, Union Hall aims to support aspiring curators, but also hopes to break down the barriers for who can consider themselves a curator, and diversify the voices responsible for exhibition-making in the Denver area.

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Jess Díaz Jess Díaz

Welcome; read me.

Hey there, we started a blog! Read me if your curious, intrigued, inspired or have other feelings about posting content online.

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