How do I find Union Hall?
Union Hall is located at The Coloradan, in the Union Station neighborhood of Denver, Colorado. Our address, open hours, and phone number for assistance are located here.
Can I hold an event at Union Hall?
Yes, Union Hall is available for event rentals year-round! For details and policies, visit our Event Rental page. Please direct event rental inquiries here. We look forward to hearing more about what you have in mind.
How can I collaborate with Union Hall?
We welcome ideas and proposals from the community. We welcome exhibition and curatorial proposals, event and programming concepts, and collaborative ideas. You can find a list of open calls and opportunities here. Have something else in mind? Contact us with the button below.
What’s a Rough Gem?
Rough Gems is Union Hall’s annual open call and collaborative curatorial program. We select three exhibition proposals every year from aspiring curators with little to no prior experience and mentor them through the process of exhibition organizing. Learn more about the program here.
How can I support Union Hall?
Union Hall is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your support in the form of time, funds, or in-kind donations. Visit our Colorado Gives Donation page, or send us an email to discuss ways to collaborate.
Is the gallery ADA accessible?
Our space frequently changes to include various types of 2-dimensional, immersive, installation-based, and experiential artworks. We also host seating and standing events regularly. We strive to always maintain ADA accessibility during regular gallery hours for all exhibitions. Visitors are encouraged to share accommodation requests for any Union Hall event via email. You can learn more about accessibility, parking, and public transportation options here.
How is Union Hall funded?
We also rely on a number of extremely generous sponsors, our wonderful Board Members, and individual donations. Check out all of our awesome sponsors here.